I haven't updated this blog in over a year. Hello.
website was Half-Life 3'd into development hell by yours truly. I am
restarting on the resources for it and hopefully it'll be done in 8-10
In the mean time, I have actually been saving up
a lot of content and projects to show you all, including more Protoman
cosplay related shit, because about 7 thousand people have checked on that section of the site in the past year. Which is a lot for some dick in his bedroom.
The Youtube page is live! The channel name is indeed DestructoBlog.
is now my primary youtube account. The other one wasn't deactivated
because I think I lost those videos...so I just burned my password and
left everything the way it was so all the old videos are still live (and
they should still be usable in this blog).
Oh by the way, here's the link http://www.youtube.com/destructoblog
at your mercy I will be trying to produce a video every 1-2 weeks,
eventually getting down to 1 major upload and 1-2 little snippets per
week. The website will still have other things on it but for the time
being I'm going to focus on the youtube and the video making, because
that is what I'm really passionate about, and it's also the thing I know
the least about. That makes sense, right? No? Fuck.
Cool beans!